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Dressing Up at 38 weeks

We had a wedding to go to when I was 38 weeks pregnant. Carrying an extra 45 lbs at this point, I was definitely dreading getting dressed up. I refused to buy a dress I would never wear again so I opted for my go-to dress for this pregnancy. This black, Herve Leger-esque bandage dress from Forever21 was THE best find. I wore it so much during this pregnancy (shown here and here). I love how it's just a great base and you can layer anything over it to completely transform the look. 

For this wedding look, I added a thin studded belt turned around so the studs were in front and the buckle in the back. I topped it off with a black blazer and patent royal blue flats (not shown) for a pop of color. There was no way I could squeeze my swollen feet into heels. Speaking of hands and feet, they don't look swollen anymore but I still can't put my rings on or wear many of my shoes 4 weeks post partum. Is this normal??

Introducing Our New Addition!

A's expression says it all. 
It's been an adjustment period for us all...especially little A, who doesn't seem so little anymore.

Sorry for the long hiatus. I was so tired towards the end of my pregnancy. Plus, I thought I was in labor every other day for weeks on end. I was that girl that went to the hospital (twice!) thinking I was in labor only to get sent home both times! I doubt anyone cares to read the labor story but if you're interested, let me know and I'll do a post on it. D is exactly 4 weeks today and it's been a roller coaster ride. 

Some of the Ups:

- Getting to know our baby girl, D. So far, she has been such an easy baby and I'm so thankful for that. She's also pretty constipated so she passes A LOT of gas which keeps us pretty entertained...except when I'm alone with her at Costco and she farts loudly in her stroller and people turn around thinking it's me. Not cool, D. Not cool.

- My amazing mom who came to stay for 5 weeks to cook and clean and help with the kids. SO beyond grateful! I dropped her off at the airport today and after she hugged me, I left her standing in the rain and ran into my car because tears were streaming down my face and I was too embarrassed for her to see that. I was so thankful but it felt awkward to say that to her so I didn't say anything at all. In the Korean culture, we don't really show a lot of emotion amongst family members so there I was in my car, her out in the rain, both of us shooing each other to leave first. 

Some of the Downs:

- Learning to balance caring for a newborn and a (very demanding) toddler. When A came to the hospital, she was fine initially. But after seeing everyone fawn other baby D nonstop, A crawled into a corner of the room and said "I'm sad. Mommy, you're not my best friend anymore. I don't like you." over and over again. It was so heartbreaking. After being used to being with me 24/7, it is a huge adjustment for her. I would appreciate any tips you guys have!

- My first experience with Mastitis! It was awful!!

Overall, it's been amazing and exhausting all at once. I hope to find time to blog more frequently and once I fit into non-maternity clothes, I hope to get back to doing more fashion posts as well. I've missed you all my bloggie friends and I'm thankful for whoever is still out there that's reading this. 

Happy thanksgiving!!!