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Away from my desk...

Sorry for the lack of posts. I've been in Maui since Saturday and we're headed to LA tomorrow for another week. It's been so amazing to spend time w my parents, nephew and siblings that I definitely do not see enough of. I'll be back in a week or so with lots of photo updates from the trip! Miss my readers and blogger friends!!

The Doughnut Vault

We ventured out to the Doughnut Vault last Saturday to find out for ourselves what all the hype was about. We got there before they even opened and the line was already around the block. Good thing we picked up some sausage mcmuffins on the way.

Next in line, A and hubbie peeking into the tiny storefront. They run out everyday about 1-2 hours into opening. While in line, we saw the tweet that they were running low on chocolate doughnuts. Oh no!

Loved the antique cash register and chandelier!

The sole worker filling doughnut orders. I was scared for my life when I took the remaining chocolate doughnuts, resulting in huge gasps from the people in line behind me. Sorry people!!

The doughnuts.

While they were indeed tasty, I don't think it was worth the wait. Would love for Doughnut Plant to open in Chicago. Now that is a doughnut! Who else is jumping off the cupcake and onto the doughnut bandwagon??

A New Purchase!

Goyard St. Louis Large PM Tote in Navy

Hubbie got me this special something for our anniversary! I was debating over the Chanel wallet-on-chain, Cartier mini love ring, or this Goyard. While I loved my Louis Vuitton neverfull, I was getting tired of seeing it everywhere I went. It's a very popular bag, especially with the moms here in Chicago. While Goyard is a pretty common sight in New York and especially in Asia, I rarely see one in Chicago since we don't have a store here. My sister has the exact same bag but we figure since she lives halfway across the world, it won't matter much. We actually have duplicates of a lot of things!

I'm debating over whether I should sell my Neverfull or not. It seems like you can get a lot for used ones on ebay so I may consider it. I might post it on my blog first so if you're interested, become a follower at Shop Pearls and Green Tea!

What is it like?

Twelfth Street by Cynthia Vincent dress, Club Monaco jacket and belt, Modern Vintage shoes, Chanel handbag

I bought this dress when I was pregnant with A for another wedding. Really not excited with any of the maternity dresses out there, I opted for this non-maternity dress 2 sizes bigger than what I normally wear. I had my tailor shorten the straps and the rest of the dress was roomy enough to accommodate my expanding midsection.

Congrats J & A!

Our friend, J gave the most beautiful toast to his bride. Here is what I remember of what he said..

On December 5, 2005, I wrote a blog entry entitled "What is it like?" It read...

"What is it like to find someone you like? What is it like to find that they like you back? What is it like to hang out with someone fun? What is it like to always have something to talk about? What is it like to not have to always talk? What is it like to be comfortable with someone? To not have to prove yourself all the time? To not have to work so hard? To be able to relax and actually be yourself? What is that like?

What is it like to “get” someone? What is it like to finally be “gotten”? To be understood? To be appreciated, not for anything you did but for who you are? What is it like to suddenly realize that you are smiling just because your mind wandered to thoughts of her? What is it like to not remember what life was like before you knew her? What is that like?

What is it like to find someone who lets you be the man you always dreamed of being? The man you thought you could be? The man you knew you were? What is it like when someone believes in you? Confides in you? Trusts you? What is that like?

What is it like to live to feel not just your own heart beat but hers as well? What is it like to know her scent? Not her perfume, not her lotion, but her? What is it like to have a dream about the love of your life, and then wake up to the knowledge that she is real? That she didn’t disappear with the morning fog? What is it like to be with someone who is not only real but “real”? What is that like?

What is it like to feel that you were made for someone? That she was made for you? That all the mistakes and wrong turns taken and opportunities missed are OK because they all led you to her? What is it like to find someone you love? What is that like? I ask because I don’t know."

Five years to the date after I posted this on my blog, I sat down across from A for our first date. From that night to this day, all of those questions have been answered.
(I took the blog post from his actual blog entry.)

I was definitely tearing up. Hubbie and I celebrated our 5 year anniversary this past weekend and hearing all these questions had me reflecting and thankful. Do you know what it's like...?