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Recent Look: Grandad Shirt + Bandage Mini


I found this shirt at Topshop while I was in Manila. I love the oversized (borrowed from grandpa look) with the casually rolled up sleeves. Tucked into my favorite bandage mini and paired with flats, the look is youthful and relaxed.

I am sadly no longer in this tropical location (Philippines) but am currently back in chilly Chicago. I still have a few more updates I didn't get to post from when I was in Manila so I will be posting those this week. These pics were taken at my parents' condo in Manila. Their pool is amazing!!

Hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving weekend! I didn't end up doing any Black Friday shopping (gasp!) but spent lots of quality time reconnecting with my family and friends. What was the highlight of your holiday weekend?

Something New: Hermes Clic Clac Bracelet

My first orange bag...

 that held my first orange box...

 that held a rich, velvet dust cover...

 that held my first Hermes H bracelet (aka clic clac bracelet)!!!

Shown here on my arm with a Bvlgari emerald and diamond ring passed down to me from my mom.

My sister and my mom both have the black and gold clic clacs and I went back and forth between all the different colors before settling on orange. I think I love it.

What's something you splurged on that you did not regret one bit? :) Oh and did this post remind anyone else of the children's poem "In the dark, dark room..."?

Be right back!

Hello! I just got back to Chicago this morning. I'm attempting to unpack and get the house back in order while being jetlagged (not to mention caring for a very jetlagged toddler.) I'll be back on Monday, if not sooner!

Happy thanksgiving to you all!! Is anyone planning to shop the sales this year? I'm considering an ipad. Anyone have one? Likes? Dislikes?

Recent Look: Stripes + My Favorite Mini

J.Crew sweater vest and belt, Anthropologie camisole, Aritzia mini, Gap city flats, Chloe bag, Nashelle earrings and necklace, turquoise bracelet (from the Philippines)

I bought this sweater vest for my mom (when I personal shopped for her in July) but she didn't end up wearing it much. So, she offered it to me the other day. Why thank you kindly!

I paired the vest with my favorite, super versatile bandage mini from Aritzia. I got the skirt in a size 6 (I normally wear a 2) so it wouldn't be skin tight a la Herve Leger. This way, it's not as offensive when worn in the daytime, it's more lenient on your undergarments, and a lot more comfortable!

There she is again! Isn't Ethel cute?

I really couldn't be bothered to blow dry my hair most days so I'm usually sporting some kind of bun or ponytail. Here's the messy side bun I've been wearing a lot as of late.

 Have you ever given a gift only to take it back later? I want to hear your stories!

A typical day here in Manila

I've been here in Manila visiting family for the last week or so. A typical day consists of swimming with A in the morning and doing something fun during her nap in the afternoon.
Swimming! On the left, you can see my nephew, C (2 months old!) and swimming! My sister got this inflatable neck float made specifically for infants. It goes around their necks and they're free to move their arms and legs in the water. He absolutely loves it in the water!
My A and I were in matching hot pink polka dot bikinis but you can't really see mine here.

And here's my something fun for the day. A was napping so I walked over to the spa a block away for a luxurious 60 minute swedish massage for the equivalent of US $20. LOVE how spa treatments are soo cheap here. Here I am, sweating it out at the sauna beforehand with my new favorite book in tow.

My something fun (while I'm visiting my parents in Manila) is usually either lunch, shopping or the spa. Back to reality in Chicago, my something fun while A naps is watching Oprah or catching up on blogs.  What's something you like to do for fun?

Recent Look: Polka Dots!

Michael by Michael Kors top, Aritzia pants, J.Crew belt & bracelet, Gap city flats, Chloe bag

If you've been reading, I've been bananas over polka dots lately (see here and here). I just got this top (see here) for both my mom and myself recently. I got the top 2 sizes too big (that was all they had left and I couldn't resist the $19 price tag) but I actually like how it falls on me (have I gained weight?!) This flowy silk top tucked into roomy harem pants make for a really easy, comfy look. The polka dots and cross body bag keep it youthful and fun.

I was checking out the new additions to my mom's handbag collection and I squealed when I saw this Chloe Ethel Satchel! I love how slouchy it is and the oversized gold handle links. It's a good thing my mom is very open about sharing her bags. It's become my go-to bag (for when I go out w/o A) since I've been here.

And here is the little man I came all the way across the world to see. Introducing my new 2 month old nephew, C! 

A Family Tradition

Back story: Back in the early 80's, before my brother was born, we were a family of four (my parents, my sister and I.) Returning from a business trip one day, my dad brought back these jade turtles (2 big ones and 2 little ones) explaining that they were meant to represent the four of us.

About twenty years later, my dad surprised us kids (3 now including my brother) with gifts out of the blue. My sister and I got Bvlgari necklaces and my brother got a little blue box that held a sparkly crystal turtle. We placed it ceremoniously by the original clan of four and we all felt a sense of fulfillment now that we were complete.

Fast forward eight years, my sister and I (along with 1 child each) arrived in Manila about a week ago. On our first night, we were presented with matching Swarovski gift bags.

Each of our bags held these three boxes...

...and we opened them up to find these. Our own little turtle families!!
Such a beautiful and thoughtful gift! I love my dad!!

Here is my baby turtle placed next to the originals.

To give you an idea of how delicate and tiny our baby turtle is, I placed it next to this chapstick. I cannot wait to bring the turtles back to Chicago and find a place for them in our home. 

I think this may top my list of best gifts received. What's the best gift you ever received?

Recent Look: Family business

on baby A: Babystyle top, Gingersnaps (Filipino brand) shorts, Crocs
on A's mommy: Muji top, Club Monaco shorts, Gap city flats, J.Crew and Nashelle necklaces, Louis Vuitton handbag
on A's granny: Michael by Michael Kors dress (personal shopper item), Tory Burch flats, Chanel handbag

A's a thumbsucker. Any tips on when and how I should try to minimize this behavior?

My sis and I playing around with the camera while our parents (on the left) watch both kids.

It's been so nice being here with my family but we miss daddy! What's the longest you've been away from a loved one? How did you cope?

Recent Look: With Love from Manila

I apologize for the lack of posts recently. As most of you know, I'm in the Philippines now visiting my parents. For the next couple of weeks, you might see a lot of the same pieces worn in different ways. I brought a very limited amount of clothes so I'm going to have to get creative here.

Rebecca Taylor top, Aritzia harem pants, Rebecca Minkoff bag, Cynthia Vincent for Target sandals, J.Crew bracelet

Did anyone notice my new favorite pants? I'm loving my Aritzia harem pants!!

Oh and before I forget, thank you so much for voting for me in the celebrity blogger contest. I won 1st and received a $200 gift card to J.Crew!! Any suggestions on what I should get?? I could think of about 10 things just off the top of my head that I would want from J.Crew but I always welcome new ideas. Help!

Personal Shopper

This is my second official personal shopping assignment for my #1 and only client, my mom! She lives in the Philippines where shopping isn't the best so she often asks me to shop for her.

This time, I was told to get summery blouses and dresses. I have a hard time spending full price on clothing so I just got her a few items at deep discounts. Here's what I ended up with!

Clockwise from top left

1. Rebecca Taylor work to date dress
$126 (orig $375)

2. Michael by Michael Kors leopard blouse
$23 (orig $99.50)

3. Michael by Michael Kors printed drawstring dress
$67 (orig $149.60)

4. Mia Via watercolor leopard blouse
$ 54 (orig $138)

5. Michael by Michael Kors polka dotted blouse
$19 (orig $79.50)

And just for fun, I got $841.60 worth of merchandise for $289
The total savings = $552.60!!

What's something you got a crazy deal on?

Me, a celebrity fashion blogger??

What Are They Wearing is one of my go to blogs for celebrity style. So, of course I entered when I saw that they were having a fashion blogger contest. I wrote about Rachel Bilson. I looove her effortlessly chic style!

Yesterday, I was super excited to hear that I was a finalist! Please click here to read my entry and click here to vote for me!! I would really, really, really appreciate it!!!

Who's your favorite celeb fashionista?

Insider Look: Going to an Oprah Show Taping

I've gone to 2 Oprah Show tapings and have gotten asked lots of questions about what the experience was like and how I got tickets. Here's what I know about going to an Oprah Show taping. Warning: This is really long, so if you have no interest in going to an Oprah show, just skip over this post please!

How to Get Tickets

There are two ways to get tickets for the show.

1. Reservation Window:
Sign up as a member on then periodically check the tickets page to see if the reservation window is open. It opens once a month and is open for 24 hours. Once open, you can request tickets for every show listed. Within a few days, you will receive an email whether or not you've been randomly selected for the show.

2. Last Minute Tickets 
Frequently check the tickets page and check for last minute reservations at the bottom.

Before the Show

Recent Look: Oprah Show

I went to an Oprah show taping last Thursday! It was a blast and we got to see an interview with former President George W. Bush! I am working on a future post detailing my experiences going to 2 Oprah show tapings but for now, here's the look of the day.

 Gap scarf, Coat (from Korea, handed down from my sis), Aritzia skirt, Members Only booties, Chanel Coco Cabas handbag

Oprah likes bright colors on her audience members and I didn't have anything suitable. I went to Nordstrom Rack and found this bright (but still cute enough to wear again) blouse for $14!

 My friend, T was trying to get me to loosen up on camera. She told me to pretend the camera wasn't there so I just started walking and then burst out laughing!

Hubbie and younger brother saw this pic and were making fun of me. I need to come up with more me, more comfortable poses for the camera. 

I think the bright colors worked because we got seated in the 4th row! Not bad!!