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Insider Look: Going to an Oprah Show Taping

I've gone to 2 Oprah Show tapings and have gotten asked lots of questions about what the experience was like and how I got tickets. Here's what I know about going to an Oprah Show taping. Warning: This is really long, so if you have no interest in going to an Oprah show, just skip over this post please!

How to Get Tickets

There are two ways to get tickets for the show.

1. Reservation Window:
Sign up as a member on then periodically check the tickets page to see if the reservation window is open. It opens once a month and is open for 24 hours. Once open, you can request tickets for every show listed. Within a few days, you will receive an email whether or not you've been randomly selected for the show.

2. Last Minute Tickets 
Frequently check the tickets page and check for last minute reservations at the bottom.

Before the Show

- Wear bright, solid colors to have a better chance at being seated in front.
- Arrive early (1-2 hours early)
- Parking: For the A taping, you should be able to find free street parking close by (Don't park at a pay for parking spot because you will be in the studio for more than 2 hours.) For the B taping, we did valet parking at Flat Top Grill literally across the street for around $10. Cheaper than any lot and we didn't have to walk far!
- Make sure everyone in your party is there together. They won't let you in without your lead person.
- Bring a photo ID. This is important! They won't let you in without it.

At the Show

5:45 am: Got to Harpo Studios and got in line. We were the 5th or 6th group in line. Took pictures and chitchatted with other excited Oprah fans.

6:40 am: They started letting people in. We checked in with our photo ID's (We're thinking this is when they scan you for your outfits so smile!) and checked our coats. We then went through security where our bags were checked and all cellphones, cameras, pens, paper, etc were removed and put in a bag you get back after the show. We were then led upstairs to a waiting room.

7 - 8:15 am: Wait and people watch. :)

8:15 am: They announced that they would be calling people group by group into the studio. This time, we were called 2nd or 3rd but by the time we threw some stuff out and went to the bathroom, people were already ahead of us in line. We got in the studio and got seated in the 4th row. Last time we went, we were called really late but when we went downstairs, there was a group of 15 of us and the producer told us we were selected to sit in the first row. We're not really sure how they determine who sits in front but the only time we were "seen" was at check in so we're guessing when you check in, they make note of your outfit?

8:30 am: One of the producers came in to warm up the audience. We danced, cheered and just got excited. Then, she told us that our guest was going to be former president George W. Bush! 

9 am: Oprah came in and taping began. In both of the tapings I've attended, there was never a need for a retake, she does everything perfectly the first time. She's also very personable and funny! She's always cracking jokes and talking to the audience during commercial breaks.

10 am: Taping is completed!
Going to an Oprah show taping is such a fun experience and since this her last season ever, I highly suggest going to her website and trying to get tickets.

Any other questions?? Ask away!

Megan @ BeautyandtheBanker (November 2, 2010 at 8:00 AM)  

Sounds amazing! I wish I lived closer and could go to a show!

Kileen (November 2, 2010 at 9:16 AM)  

great tips!! so lucky that you were able to see the taping! it's good to hear that Oprah is so personable during commercials as sometimes people are completely different on and off camera!


We love the sweet life (November 2, 2010 at 10:32 AM)  

I bet it would be amazing to attend an Oprah show. Unfortunately I live all the way in The Netherlands =(

Justine (November 2, 2010 at 12:28 PM)  

Great tips! I hope I can actually go to a show :)

Just Better Together

Jenn @ Peas and Crayons (November 2, 2010 at 12:45 PM)  

Really interesting! I always wondered how that works =)

Jenn L @ Peas & Crayons

dr.mommy (November 2, 2010 at 7:57 PM)  

can't believe i lived in chicago all my life and never went to see a show and now it's almost over! :(

BenchesnChandeliers (November 2, 2010 at 10:02 PM)  

omg i've been trying for years to get tickets to the show, and i've always failed. now that it's her last season, i'm trying even harder!

Anonymous –  (November 4, 2010 at 6:48 AM)  

hi, ive been following your blog for awhile now....
I just loved your dress for your daughter's dohl!
Where did you get your dress and find other Tucker by Gaby Basora clothes?


dress up files (November 4, 2010 at 8:42 AM)  

Jen:Thanks!! I got the dress for the dohl from :)

christiana (November 11, 2010 at 12:54 PM)  

sadly oprah has not been crossed off my bucket list

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